Bluum – Brand Guideline Extension

Bridging the Gap Between Brand Identity and Real-World Application

Bluum, a leading EdTech company in North America, approached me after a major corporate merger with gaps in its brand guidelines. They needed help applying their new identity consistently across various channels. I stepped in to expand their visual identity by introducing new graphic elements such as illustrations, icons, and photography, refreshing the brand while avoiding the overuse of existing assets. A major focus was creating over 300 presentation templates, which previously lacked clear direction. I ensured these designs were unique, versatile, and aligned with Bluum’s branding standards, while also collaborating directly with their CSO to adapt templates for quarterly board meetings. In addition, I extended Bluum’s brand across packaging, booklets, email invites, web banners, and business documents, ensuring consistency in digital and print communications. This helped Bluum maintain a cohesive brand presence as their teams grew.

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